Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Quantum Of Giving

intend to use the best possible time owned and tried to strengthen the belief that all that the only deposit

before all is lost, before it's gone
no matter how small, with perfect sincerity
try to be more beneficial for others
only Almighty Allah be expected

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Super Special Third Pregnancy of Mine

Already five months of this gift was growing inside me. A very special gift.
His attendance received as a prove of increasingly the Most Merciful loves. 
God still trust me to keep and care a child. With all my weakness, with the rest of my ignorance, God is still giving me the opportunity to enlarge the fields of jihad.

I pray, InsyaAllah, this baby will grow into a child strong, compassionate, with patience and sincerity as deep as the ocean.

May God always gives permission and the opportunity for me to always be a good mother for my children.

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Change the Focus

i just read tweets posted by rangga umara. it was so cool.
he said, whatever the problem or the pain we have, do not stay focus on that, wider the way of look up..., insyaallah, the problem will become smaller and smaller :D